Message de Graeme Jannaway concernant le sujet en titre.
Vous avez jusqu’à la fin février pour lui fournir vos commentaires par courriel.
Dear Business Continuity Professionals,
Attached is the second edition of ISO/DIS 22301, Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements, the draft international requirements standard for business continuity management
Included in the zipped file are the draft standard in both English (ISO_DIS_22301_(E).pdf ) and French (ISO_DIS_22301_(F).pdf), as well as the 92-page report explaining the disposition of the 528 comments previously received and considered by the project team.
Document ZIP contenant les versions à commenter : [download id= »8533″]
Formulaires pour commentaires (.docx) : [download id= »8536″]